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Table 18.76.100, below, prescribes design and development regulations for the district:

“X” designates uses that are not permitted in the zone column.

“P” designates permitted uses in the zone column.

Numbers designate design standards metrics in the zone column.

“Y” in the zone column means that the detailed standard applies. Letters in parentheses in the “additional standards” column refer to regulations following Table 18.76.100.

“#” column corresponds with the numbers in illustration to regulations in the associated table.

Table 18.76.100 Development Standards

General Standards


Detailed Standards (see sections below)


T4 / T5

Lot and Density Standards

Minimum lot width (ft.)

25 / 25

Maximum floor area ratio (FAR)

2.0 / 4.0


Building form and location

Building height – Primary building (stories)

3 / 5

T5 Maximum 75-foot height

Building height – Accessory building (stories)

2 / 3

T5 Maximum 45-foot height

Minimum building height (number of stories)


Minimum 1st floor ceiling height, nonresidential uses (ft. clear) – Exceptions for unique operational characteristics


Meet city’s building code height requirements

Frontage types (Table 18.76.090)



Gallery and arcade (more urban – more retail)

X / P

See Table 18.76.090(B)

Shopfront and awning

X / P

See Table 18.76.090(B)


X / P

See Table 18.76.090(B)


X / P

See Table 18.76.090(B)

Dooryard and light court

P / P

See Table 18.76.090(B)

Porch and fence (least urban – more residential)

P / X

See Table 18.76.090(B)

Build-to lines and setbacks (ft.)

Front (Principal building) minimum

10 / 0 – Y


Front (principal building) maximum

15 – Y


Interior side minimum

0 – Y


Interior side maximum

10 – Y


Street side (principal) maximum

10 / 10 – Y


Street side (secondary) minimum

15 / 0


Rear minimum

3 – Y


Location of parking areas



Other Standards

Building design and signage



Upper floor outdoor living area (s/f per unit min.)

40 / 20 – Y


Outdoor storage



Sewer service and adequate public facility participation agreements






Transparency for ground-floor frontages, nonresidential uses



Additional Standards

Accessory structures

MCC 18.80.020, Accessory Building or Structures

Exceptions to Height Limits

MCC 18.80.080, Exceptions to Height Limits

Fences and walls

MCC 18.80.090, Fences and Freestanding Walls


Chapter 18.90 MCC, Landscaping


Chapter 18.95 MCC, Lighting

Off-street parking

No parking requirements

Loading areas

MCC 18.80.110, Truck Dock, Loading, and Service Areas

Outdoor storage

MCC 18.80.100, Outdoor Storage

Projections into required setbacks

MCC 18.80.040, Building Projections into Yards


MCC 18.80.110, Screening


Chapter 18.115, Signs

Swimming pools

MCC 18.80.120, Swimming Pools and Spas

Visibility at driveways

MCC 18.80.150, Visibility at Intersections and Driveways

A. FAR for Mixed Use Buildings. The maximum allowable FAR is for buildings that contain a mix of residential and nonresidential uses.

B. Principal Building Frontage Types. The principal building fronts onto the primary thoroughfare. This is the area between the private building facade and the public sidewalk, inclusive of its varying built and planted components. Frontage is divided into private frontage and public frontage. The combination of the private frontage, the public streetscape, and the types of thoroughfare defines the character of the majority of the public realm. The front of the building defines the building’s placement on the lot, and how it is orientated towards the street includes the following types as specified on Table 18.76.100(B) Private Realm Frontage Types:

1. T5 Center: Gallery, arcade, shopfront, awning, stoop, forecourt, dooryard, and light court.

2. T4 General: Dooryards, light court, porch and fence.

C. Required Side and Rear Yards for Residential Uses. In order to provide light and air for residential units and additional separation for rooms that require additional privacy considerations, the following minimum setbacks apply to any new building wall containing windows and facing an interior side or rear yard. The required setbacks apply to that portion of the building wall.

D. Maximum Building Setbacks. The street-facing facades of buildings must be located no farther from street-facing property lines than the maximum setback distance specified in Table 18.76.100. The following additional provisions apply:

1. Corner Properties. Where a property fronts on two or more streets, the maximum setback shall be met according to the following provisions:

a. Frontage on Two Primary Streets. New buildings on sites with frontage on two streets may be constructed to the maximum setback line on both frontages.

b. Frontage on Three or More Streets. Properties with frontage on three or more streets must build to the maximum build-to lines of at least two of the streets.

2. Building Additions. For any addition to a building that increases the width of a street-facing facade, 100 percent of the addition should be located on or within the maximum setback until the maximum setback standard for the entire building is met, or to meet the intent section, MCC 18.76.100.

3. Exceptions to Building Placement Requirements. The following exceptions to the build-to lines requirement are permitted.

a. Outdoor Eating Areas. Where an outdoor eating area will be installed on the street frontage, a portion of the building may be set back up to 12 feet farther than the maximum setback line, if at least 40 percent of the building facade is at the primary frontage build-to line.

E. Location of Parking. In this district, Tables 18.76.090(A) through (C) apply, as off-street parking areas should be set in the 2nd and 3rd lot layers, in the rear of the lot and set back a minimum of 25 feet from the primary street frontage.

1. There are no minimum or maximum number of parking spaces allocated per lot, block or project area in this district or its subdistricts.

2. Streetscreens should be used for any parking spaces located in the 1st lot layer.

3. Exceptions may be granted for short-term customer parking and drop-off spaces.

4. Exceptions may be granted for participating in a public-private partnership car share program focusing on providing access to/from the train depot area.

F. Building Design and Signage. In this district, Table 18.76.100, and the design guides in Maricopa Stations Design Guidelines apply unless otherwise specified within this code. Any requested deviations or waivers on all additions, new development, and rehabilitation of existing structures and commercial business are subject to review to determine whether the design guidelines have been met. In addition, the exterior design of all buildings, including all facades and all signage, shall be coordinated with regard to color, materials, architectural form, and detailing to achieve design harmony, continuity, and horizontal and vertical relief and interest.

G. Outdoor Living Areas. As part of the open space required by Chapter 18.90 MCC, Landscaping, private or common areas for outdoor living shall be provided for upper-level residential units. Outdoor living areas include balconies, decks, common open space, and/or rooftop open space, but not limited to other outdoor living types not listed here.

1. Minimum Dimensions.

a. Private Open Space. Private open space located above ground level (e.g., balconies) shall have no horizontal dimension less than six feet.

b. Common Open Space and Rooftop Open Space. Common open spaces and rooftop open spaces with a minimum horizontal dimension of 20 feet shall count towards the open space calculation.

2. Minimum Area Required – Private Open Space.

a. Forty square feet per unit in T4 and 20 square feet per unit in T5.

b. The amount of outdoor living area provided for individual units may vary based on unit size and location within a project, as long as the average area per unit meets the applicable standard or the intent section.

H. Outdoor Storage. Outdoor storage areas for nonresidential uses in T4 general, shall be located in the 2nd or 3rd lot layer, operate during business hours only, and comply with only five percent of the gross floor area of the use or 200 square feet, whichever is less.

I. Sewer Service and Adequate Pubic Facility Participation Agreements. Sites within the district shall be permitted to develop or redevelop only after the owner agrees in writing to participate in paying its proportionate share of public facility improvement costs, including sanitary sewer services, in a manner acceptable to the city engineer.

1. The city engineer may require financial guarantees in the form of bonds or letters of credit or allow payment of fees in lieu to participate in paying the proportional cost of adequate public facilities to serve the site proposed for development.

2. The city engineer may approve interim solutions, such as on-site wastewater treatment facilities, in lieu of providing sanitary sewer service, should Pinal County Health Department permit such interim solution.

3. All requests for improvements to existing residential properties within the district that do not include a commitment or assurance to participate in a proportionate share of the public facility improvements shall conform to the base zoning district development standards for setbacks, lot coverage and other requirements.

a. The city may approve a waiver to encroach into the required setback area or exceed the lot coverage for additions and improvements which:

i. Conform to Maricopa Station Design Guidelines;

ii. Comply with current Pinal County health requirements for improving existing septic systems to accommodate the proposed improvements;

iii. Meet outdoor screening and storage requirements of this code;

iv. Comply with the minimum development standards of the most comparable residential zone of this code based on existing lot size and dimensions.

J. Transitional Standards. Where this T4 general subdistrict adjoins an RS District, the following standards apply:

1. The maximum height within 20 feet of an RS District is 30 feet. From this point, the building height may be increased to the maximum building height.

2. The building setback from an RS District boundary shall be 25 feet for interior side and rear yards.

K. Transparency on Ground Floor Frontages for Nonresidential Uses. Windows, doors, or other openings should be provided for at least 50 percent of the building wall area located between three and seven feet above the elevation of the sidewalk. No wall may run in a continuous plane for more than 20 feet maximum without an opening or an exception (see subsection (K)(3) of this section listed below). Openings fulfilling this requirement shall have transparent glazing and provide views into work areas, display areas, sales areas, lobbies, or similar active spaces, or into window displays that are at least three feet deep.

1. Exception for Structured Parking Facilities. Multi-level parking garages, where permitted, are not required to meet the ground-floor transparency requirement.

2. Sites with Multiple Buildings. On sites that contain multiple buildings, the building ground-floor transparency requirement does not need to be met in buildings located in lot layers 2 or 3 or behind other buildings and not visible from the adjacent public street.

3. Reduction through Development Plan Review. The transparency requirement may be reduced or waived for proposed uses that have unique operational characteristics with which providing the required windows and openings is incompatible, such as in the case of a theater.

L. Truck Docks, Loading, and Service Areas. Truck docks, loading, and service areas are permitted within the 3rd lot layer on rear alley and lanes. In addition, such loading and service areas must be located on the side or rear of buildings and may not face a public street or a private street functioning as a public road.

M. Pedestrian Access. A system of pedestrian walkways shall connect all buildings on a site to each other, to on-site automobile and bicycle parking areas, to sidewalks, and to any on-site open space areas or pedestrian amenities. Direct and convenient access shall be provided to adjoining blocks to the maximum extent feasible while still providing for safety and security.

1. Walkways shall be a minimum of six feet wide, hard-surfaced, and paved with concrete, stone, tile, brick, or comparable material.

2. Where required walkways cross driveways, parking areas, or loading areas, it must be clearly identifiable through the use of a raised crosswalk, a different paving material, or similar method.

3. Where a required walkway is parallel and immediately adjacent to an auto travel lane, it must be raised or separated from the auto travel lane by a raised curb, bollards, or other physical barrier. [Ord. 20-15 § 1; Res. 20-37.]